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Insight into plastship

Our daily actions not only shape our identity but also mold the reality in which we exist. They are aimed at creating meaning in the present and for the future.

Homepage About us

Each of our actions is aimed at integrating recycled plastics into various applications.

From the outset, we are committed to effective material flow management, viewing waste as valuable resources and ensuring they find their place in new products where they can be best utilized.

  • Transparent approach

    For plastship, transparency is the key to building trustworthy business relationships based on mutual benefit. It should be enjoyable for all parties involved.

  • Long-term collaborations

    Like you, we prefer not to invest time in one-off affairs. Our focus is on reproducible transactions and sustainable partnerships.

  • Personal contact

    Personal connection is important to us. While digital means can achieve many things, they cannot replace personal relationships. Occasional face-to-face meetings are invaluable to us.

Current projects

  • Strategies to boost recycled material use in the plastics industry 

    May 31, 2024 · In their joint research project "Rezy-Spezi," the Kunststoff-Zentrum SKZ and plastship GmbH not only identified barriers to the use of secondary materials in plastic processing. They also developed actionable recommendations for the industry to increase recycled plastics content in the future.

    • Research
    • Use of recycled plastics
  • Plastic Recyclates: SKZ and PLASTSHIP launch joint project 

    October 1, 2021 · Despite millions of tonnes of post-consumer waste being collected annually, the utilization rate of post-consumer recyclate in Germany's total plastic production remains very low at 5.6 percent. To address this, SKZ and plastship GmbH are launching the SmaKuRez project. This initiative will provide plastic processors with a service system database, enabling them to increasingly and reliably replace virgin plastics with recyclates.

    • Forschung
    • Rezyklateinsatz

That's us

Our team is always ready to support you. Feel free to contact us directly.

„…by 2025, ten million tonnes of recycled plastics [] into new products on the EU market.”

Current developments and industry commitments are driving long-term demand for plastic recyclates. To enable their use in applications, digital solutions help create an efficient structure for identifying suitable recycled plastics. We aim to provide clear added value through our digital platform, which allows differentiation between raw materials and facilitates networking along the value chain.

To ensure that more recycled plastics find their way into everyday applications, comprehensive understanding of supply chains and qualities in plastics recycling is as important as knowledge of the technical and quality requirements of potential users.

„…urgent to develop a European market for recycled plastics.”

The digital networking in the value chain simplifies the marketing and procurement of plastic recyclates. Complete information, targeted search for raw materials for a specific application, and the simplicity and security of transactions promote the use of recycled plastics – we, as founders of plastship, are convinced of this. We understand the qualities, properties, and values of plastics as important resources and recyclable materials, even after the end of their intended use.

Since 2008, through our previous experiences in the industry, we have been able to accompany every step in the collection and recycling of plastics – from collecting recyclables from end consumers to the application of plastic regranulates in products.

„…improving the functioning of such a complex value chain requires efforts and greater cooperation by all its key players.”

In the circular economy, meaningful value often emerges when partners pursue common goals. Only through cooperation in the value chain can sustainable material cycles and a higher proportion of plastic recyclates in products be achieved. We enable digital and efficient distribution and procurement of recyclables, regranulates, regrinds, and compounds, and facilitate the exchange of services and best practices to close loops.

Our focus is on actively promoting collaborations and supporting projects that involve the use of plastic recyclates and plastics recycling. As service providers and consultants, we actively engage and continuously expand our offerings for you.

Collaborating with the experience and expertise of RIGK GmbH, plastship develops digital solutions for the circular economy. The overarching goal is to jointly create closed loops in plastics recycling.

"Organizing the collection of plastics comprehensively, efficiently, and in compliance with regulations for industry and agriculture - for our environment and for a sustainable, responsible handling of valuable resources."

This is the mission with which RIGK started 30 years ago. Founded by the industry for industry, commerce, and agriculture, we are now the standard nationwide for the plastics and chemical industries as well as numerous other sectors.

  • 8 different collection systems for the industial, commercial, and agricultural sector

  • 30 years of experience in closing material cycles

  • 60.000 customers from licence holders and commercial end consumers

Strong together in the group


We welcome direct interaction with you if you have any remaining questions.

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